Creating a bullion stitch or a French knot

The French knot is one of the most intriguing and interesting stitches of all times. It is extremely different from the others in the manner in which it is made. It even looks more three dimensional in nature and completely different from the rest. French knots are great to use when you want to create the centers of flowers in a flower pattern. They can also be used as decorative trims or to fill up empty space in cutwork.

Most people find that creating the French knot property takes some time. Since it is not one of the standard types of stitches it takes time to master and understand. However, when you get it after a few tries, it can prove to be one of the most useful stitches in specific places. And there are some parts in a pattern where nothing else suits except for a French knot.

To create a French knot you will need to bring the needle out halfway at the point where you want the knot to be. You will then need to hold the thread and twist it around the needle a few times. Do not overdo this step because the French knot can become extremely entangled and unwieldy. Pull the needle out along with the thread and you will see how the French knot starts to appear on the thread that is emerging from the fabric. Before you seal the stitch by making it tight try and set the French knot so that it looks neat. To seal the knot take the needle back into the fabric. This should be done at a point extremely close to the French knot itself.



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